Answered on: September 12, 2018


Hello, I have a question about renting a car from Tarifa, near the Puerto Tarifa, and dropping it off at Malaga airport -for an 8 day rental. Is this possible? Appreciate a reply or chat -help. Thanks.


Please conduct a search using a laptop/PC rather than a mobile device. An interactive map will be displayed and you can navigate the map and Zoom in/out when icons are displayed, which indicates available cars. Unfortunately, we do not have any available cars in Tarifa but instead in nearby Algeciras.


Please conduct a search using a laptop/PC rather than a mobile device. An interactive map will be displayed and you can navigate the map and Zoom in/out when icons are displayed, which indicates available cars. Unfortunately, we do not have any available cars in Tarifa but instead in nearby Algeciras.