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Europe & Worldwide

EU Car Hire the easy new way to make a rental car reservation online & on a mobile. We offer Car Hire at competitive prices with 24 hr online support. No need to search or visit multiple websites, as most of the major rental car suppliers are linked in real-time to this website. Please note you will need a credit/debit card for the security deposit when you collect the car, cash is not accepted.

¨I Live In ¨ It is important that you choose the country you live in normally, as you may be offered extra insurance option based on this.

EU Car Hire nueva y sencilla manera de reservar un coche de alquiler online y en tu móvil. Ofrecemos Rental Car a precios competitivos y un servicio de atención online 24 horas. No hay necesidad de comparar entre múltiples websites, ya que en Eu Car Hire se muestran los principales proveedores de coches de alquiler en tiempo real. Necesitarás una tarjeta de crédito/débito cuando recojas el coche para el depósito de seguridad. No se acepta efectivo.

" Vivo en " - es importante que selecciones el país donde resides habitualmente, ya que se te puede ofrecer cobertura extra del seguro en base a este criterio.

EU Car Hire nuovo e semplice modo di prenotare macchine di noleggio online anche dal cellulare. Offresi Rental Car con prezzi convenienti e un servizio clienti online 24 hore su 7. Non c'è bisogno di fare confronti tra le varie websites, perchè in Eu Car Hire si possono vedere i principali siti per affittare macchine in tempo reale. Avrai bisogno di carta di credito/debito quando ritirerai la macchina per lasciare un deposito e perché non si accettano paghi in effettivo.
Recent Rental Rates

Skoda Octavia or similar

Air conditioning
Manual Transmission
x 5
x 4
x 5
€ 12.39 EUR / day
9 days in September, Bucharest - Airport Otopeni, Romania

Citroen C4 or similar

Air conditioning
Manual Transmission
x 5
x 3
x 5
€ 44.9 EUR / day
5 days in June, Brussels - Airport - Charleroi, Belgium

Skoda Octavia or similar

Air conditioning
Manual Transmission
x 5
x 4
x 5
€ 65.44 EUR / day
6 days in July, Milan - Airport - Bergamo, Italy
EU Car Hire la nouvelle manière facile de réserver une voiture de location en ligne & sur un portable. Nous proposons la location de voiture à des prix compétitifs et des services d'attention en ligne 24 heures. Pas besoin de chercher ou de visiter plusieurs sites, puisque la plupart desrnprincipales sociétés de voitures de location sont reliées en temps réel à ce site. Veuillez noter que vous aurez besoin d’une carte de crédit/débit pour le dépôt de garantie lorsque vous irez récupérer la voiture, les espèces ne sont pas acceptées.

" J'habite à " - Il est important de choisir votre lieu de résidence habituelle, car nous pourrions vous offrir une assurance supplémentaire selon ce critère.

If you search for a “Non-Airport” location you can filter the nearest supplier from your desired location. Use the filter at the top right hand side of the page. It is set to “PRICE”, click on “DISTANCE” and results will be shown based on the nearest car rental supplier. Proceed by selecting the vehicle you desire, add any "EXTRAS" if you want, and pay with your Debit or Credit Card.

If you intend to drop off the vehicle in a different location from the pick up location, then tick the box “Return to a different location”. If then no cars are displayed at STEP2, then one way is not permitted between these locations. For one way rentals sometimes it can be a fee. This is almost always included in the total rental rate and payable at the desk on arrival.

A CREDIT CARD will be required in the main drivers name when you pick up your rental car to hold the security deposit. Some suppliers accept a Debit Card. On the search results page, scroll down to the left hand side menu and tick the filter box for filter/sort the suppliers who accept cards. Or Click on the link "IMPORTANT INFORMATION” next to each car photo and choose the tab “PAYMENT” to find out. Try a few different suppliers as they do vary.

We offer real 24/7 online CHAT support. Just hit the red CHAT bubble and we will assist you. This can be particularly useful, prior, during and after a rental.

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** You can change the language in the top right hand corner to any other language you may prefer. / Puede cambiar el idioma en la esquina superior derecha a inglés o cualquier otro idioma que prefiera. / Vous pouvez changer la langue dans le coin supérieur droit en anglais, ou toute autre langue que vous préférez. / Sie können die Sprache in der oberen rechten Ecke auf Englisch oder jede andere Sprache ändern, die Sie bevorzugen**